Corporate Sponsorships
1. Charitable Guidelines
Arkansas Blue Cross invests dollars to support nonprofit events and fundraisers. All investments are made to improve the health and lives of Arkansans. We are proud to sponsor Arkansas organizations that strive to accomplish this everyday.
Our sponsorships generally include galas, dinners, luncheons, seminars, conferences, walks and/or runs and similar activities. Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield prioritizes contributions to organizations whose mission fall in the following categories:
- Access to Care and Coverage
- Health and Wellness and Disease Prevention and Management
- Social Determinants of Health
- Behavioral Health
2. Submitting a Request
For donation consideration, please fill out the corporate sponsorships request form in its entirety, as well as provide the necessary documentation requested. Completion of the form is required to be considered for a corporate sponsorship from Arkansas Blue Cross. Completion of this form does not guarantee a donation. Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield donations are solely awarded at the Corporate Contributions Committee's discretion. Organizations planning to submit multiple requests for events or initiatives should submit an annual request by providing details on all events or initiatives by filling out the form once annually.
We ask that all sponsorship requests be submitted three months in advance of the event. You will be informed of the committee’s decision within three business days after the monthly Corporate Contributions meeting, where your request is reviewed. Use this table to determine the deadline by which you should apply:
When is your event? | When should you apply? |
January | September |
February | October |
March | November |
April | December |
May | January |
June | February |
July | March |
August | April |
September | May |
October | June |
November | July |
December | August |
3. BlueCares Volunteers
In everything we do, Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield strives to be a valuable resource in the communities we serve. One way we accomplish this is by volunteering. If your organization needs volunteer support, Team Blue would love to explore how we can help. Let us know more about your organization’s volunteer opportunities by filling out our BlueCares volunteer request form.
4. BlueCares Board Member Request
Board service not only provides a platform to contribute to causes our enterprise supports but also offers invaluable experience, networking opportunities, and a chance to represent Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield's mission and values in broader community circles. We truly believe in the potential of our Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield team members and are confident that those who serve on these boards will make impactful contributions. Let us know more about your organization’s board member opportunities by filling out our BlueCares board member request form.