Learn the guidelines
We want to improve the health of our members through a schedule of services recommended for the prevention and early detection of disease. Promotion of these services is accomplished through direct communication with members and partnership with participating medical practitioners. The information reflects recommendations from leading healthcare authorities and local practitioners. This preventive health information is only a guide; treatment is at the clinical discretion of the medical practitioner.

Children's guidelines
- Recommended Immunizations for Birth Through 6 Years Old
- Vacunas recomendadas desde el nacimiento hasta los 6 años de edad
- Recommended Immunizations for Children 7–18 Years Old
- Vacunas recomendadas para niños de los 7 a los 18 años
- Vaccines Schedules for You and Your Family
- ¿Cuándo deben vacunarse los niños y los adolescentes?
- A Pocket Guide for Good Health for Children
- Vaccines by Age